Welcome to the Head Injury Tracker (HIT) Project. Thank you for your participation in a study that will shape our understanding of the incidence of school-aged concussion around the state. Each documented injury is intended to log information about the primary evaluation of a student's concussion. We expect each concussion made aware to the school will be entered into this website. With each entry, we can follow trends in concussion mechanism of injury and recovery more closely. Please remember that this information is yours. We are merely interested in the incidence statewide, rather than by region or school.

To request a printable version of the injury report, make a request, or troubleshoot issues with the website, please contact Katie Stephenson at kstephenson1@une.edu.

Injury Report Quick Reference:

  • When you first enter a student into the system, we will generate a unique ID for them (on subsequent injury reports or follow-ups, we can look up their ID if you provide the exact same information only!). It is best to keep track of these IDs and the information entered to generate the ID in your records for quality and consistent injury tracking.
  • The information entered generates a unique for that student. By entering the same ID on subsequent injury documentation, we can link concussion data to the same student anonymously.
  • Sports and Activities range from athletic to non-athletic in the Injury Report. If there are no appropriate options available, please contact Paul Berkner, pberkner@une.edu, to request a suitable alternative be added.
  • Academic Return Date is meant to be the date the student is capable of a full school day without accommodation, without return of symptoms, and working toward completion of missed work.
  • Athletic Return Date is meant to be the date the athlete has completed a graduated return to play program and received physical clearance from healthcare provider.
  • Symptom Score mirrors both ImPACT and SCAT3 symptom scores with a 0-6 scale (0 being symptom not reported, 1 being very mild, 6 being very intense).

To get started, you create a document. Create a "baseline" document to track a new athlete's typical scores. Create a "post-injury" document to record an injury, or a "follow-up" to assess after time has passed since the initial injury.

Create a document